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I asked the Ladies of Lallybroch to answer a few questions about themselves so we can show how the Outlander series appeals to a very eclectic group.

The questions were:

  1. About yourself:
    • Age?
    • Family?
    • Where do you live?
    • What do you do for a living?
  2. How did you discover the series?
  3. What are the things that make Jamie appealing to you?
  4. How has reading the series disrupted your life? i.e. ignored DH and Kids, no sleep, etc...
  5. How will you survive until the next book arrives?

Lady Abby

1. About yourself:

Age? 39, but only for a couple more months

Family? Yes. Oh, married to Roy, no children but a big orange cat named Kiran.

Where do you live? Long Island, New York

What do you do for a living? Episcopal priest

2. How did you discover the series?

A co-worker of Roy's gave it to him to read and, upon reading it, Roy insisted that I *must* read it, so I did, and WOW!

3. What are the things that make Jamie appealing to you?

Honesty, trustworthiness, sensitivity, strength, not to mention handsomeness, a wonderful sense of humor, and he's a Scot!

4. How has reading the series disrupted your life? i.e. ignored DH and Kids, no sleep, etc...

Definitely messed up my sleep, but didn't it enliven my lovelife with the DH though?!

5. How will you survive until the next book arrives?

I'm surviving by chatting with my LOL friends, rereading, doing trivia on the LOL board, and writing my own romantic novel.

Lady Amy Campbell

1. About yourself:

Age? 30

Family? I have been married for roughly 7 1/2 years to a wonderful-stubborn-handsome-Irishman who just happens to be named James.

Then there is our pride and joy, Sean, who is my duplicate but acts like his father. We are hoping to add some additions soon to our small group of three.

Where do you live?

I live in South Jersey, but I am orginally from upstate New York... and would do anything if we could move back up north where you get four seasons instead of two!

What do you do for a living?

I don't have one of those jobs that you receive a paycheck for... instead I receive lots of hugs and kisses from a sticky faced toddler and fuzzy faced DH! In other words I'm a house wife and love it!

2. How did you discover the series?

I started a friendship about two years ago with a young lady who was responsible for shelving the Romance Section at my local Borders Book Store. She was the one who said something like, "I know how much you love Scotland, here's Outlander". Well... let me tell you it took me forever to read it, when I found time but I finished it and the other three. **My friend now is an Assistant Manager and still hasn't completed all four books.**

3. What are the things that make Jamie appealing to you?

Jamie's acceptance of Claire as she is. The way he falls head over heels in love with Claire.

4. How has reading the series disrupted your life? i.e. ignored DH and Kids, >no sleep, etc...

Okay a few time I went with less hours of sleep... but on the other hand the series has increased certain *a-hem* areas of my life. (Need I say more? *g*)

5. How will you survive until the next book arrives?

I pick up every Scottish Time-Travel Romance Novel that comes out!! The last one I read was Christmas Knight by Christina Skye -- wonderful Scottish Hero brought straight from 1298 to 1998 just in time for Christmas -- He is sexy!!!!

Lady Aline

1. About yourself:

- 45 but birthday soon, real soon....

- DH, 5 kids, 4 horses, 3 dogs and 4 cats

- Out in the country in central Alberta

- I'm a full time mom to all of the above

2. How did you discover the series?

My sister recomended it to me about three years ago

3. What are the things that make Jamie appealing to you?

Jamie is honest, sensitive, courageous, has integrety and honour, can admit to mistakes. He also looks good in a kilt....

4. How has reading the series disrupted your life? i.e. ignored DH and Kids, >no sleep, etc...

I have read the series four times - can never find anything nearly as appealing to read. I find myself sitting down for 10 minutes and next thing I know 3 hours have passed and I have to scramble like crazy to get things done before DH and kids are home....

5. How will you survive until the next book arrives?

The LOL of course!!!

Lady Melissa H.

1. About yourself:

Age? 24

Family? Live with Boyfriend Scott and Cat Neko

Where do you live? Rochester, NY

What do you do for a living? Financial Analyst at Xerox in Rochester

2. How did you discover the series?

Recommendation from the Earth's Children Message Board. Was unsure if I wanted to read them (not so into the whole time travel moment), but kept hearing such good reviews that I decided to give them a try. WOW am I glad I did. I discovered the series in March of this year and have reread them 3 times already!!

3. What are the things that make Jamie appealing to you?

His devotion to those around him and those tender words we all wish we would hear a little more often. He always seems to know just what to say in a way that makes you want to give yourself to him completely.

4. How has reading the series disrupted your life? i.e. ignored DH and Kids, no sleep, etc...

No sleep - like any good series (primarily the Earth's Children series by Jean Auel). I'm a sucker for getting sucked into a good book and going to bed very very late and paying for it in the morning!

5. How will you survive until the next book arrives?

Keep rereading the old ones, wait (it's been 9 years!) longer for the 5th Earth's Children book, wait for the Outlandish Companion, and just keep reading other things until the new one is out. I have been making an effort to expand my reading choices and mix in some non-fiction, some classics, and just some regular stuff to keep me occupied!

Lady Kim Marie

1. About yourself:

Age: 35

Family: Married for 9 years to Dean, we have 2 boys, Brett 7, and Mitchell 5. Also a retriever cross named Shilo.

Where do you live: We live in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

What do you do for a living: I am a Part time Medical Laboratory Technologist.

2. How did you discover the series?

A friend from work recomended the series to me last summer. I still remember writing the names of the books and Diana Gabaldon on a piece of paper and then losing it. I didn't really think about getting the books much after that. Then this spring the dh and I were going on a ski trip and I wanted a book to bring with me (you never know when you might get a chance to read!) Well, I didn't get a chance to read on the ski trip but when I did finally start to read Outlander in June of 1998 I was instantly hooked. I read them over the summer and spent many an afternoon on the deck reading while my sons played in the sandbox, or while they were in swimming lessons.

3. What are the things that make Jamie appealing to you?

Aside from the obvious physical traits, he is sensitive, caring, loving, brave...the list goes on. I love this man!

4. How has reading the series disrupted your life?

I did ignore the dh quite a bit, and he began to refer to them as "the books". The kids got used to seeing me with my nose in a book, thank God they have each other! I'll never forget my son while over at my Mom's house she was reading a book and I was at home staining the deck. He says to her "that's probably what my Mom is doing, she's always reading!"

5. How will you survive until the next book arrives?

I am very lucky to have the Ladies of Lallybroch to discuss the books with until the next one is out. I'm looking forward to the Companion book due out this spring, that will help :)

Lady Sara II

1. About yourself:

Age? 27

Family? One wonderful husband (we've been married for just over a year)

Where do you live? Hampton Roads, Virginia

What do you do for a living? English teacher

2. How did you discover the series?

My mother.

3. What are the things that make Jamie appealing to you?

His loyalty, honesty and ability to face grim circumstances with strength and perseverance.

4. How has reading the series disrupted your life? i.e. ignored DH and Kids, no sleep, etc...

It hasn't really disrupted my life. However, when I first read them, the cleaning was neglected and I had to race to get dinner ready.

5. How will you survive until the next book arrives? Re-read the books and hang out at the Ladies of Lallybroch web site.

Lady Valerie L.

1. About yourself:

Age: Under 50 yet, but not for much longer

Family: DH, Lowell, and 2 sons, Andy (19), and Kyle, my 18th century son to the chatters (15), and 5 cats Live In: Titusville, PA, but was born in Syracuse, NY and went to college in Buffalo, NY & stayed there 20 years

Job: Assistant Librarian at the Univ. of Pittsburgh at Titusville, but the job that holds my heart is book editor/god-mother/midwife to the historical novels of Sharon Kay Penman

2. How did you discover the series?

I discovered the Outlander series almost reluctantly. I had seen them on the shelves, but hesitated because they were always in the Romance section. Then one of my students came into the library carrying Outlander. She told me it was fantastic & lent it to me. When I finished DIA, I demanded that she give me Voyager IMMEDIATELY, even though she hadn't read it yet herself. I then bought all 4 books for myself and finished them in less than 2 weeks.

3. What makes Jamie appealing?

His absolute confidence in who he is, his honor and sense of duty, his ability to give of himself completely without ever appearing weak because of it, his unflagging joy in his youth and the strength of his soul to get him through his 20 year agony, the depth of his love that never wavered. But also his human qualities: his stubbornness, his temper, his tin ear and his seasickness. Jamie is real, complete and human.

4. How has reading the series disrupted my life?

Well, I was never overly fond of housework to begin with. So, that hasn't changed really. But, I have seen way too many dawns with book in hand. I can't stop rereading the series. I have well over 2 dozen OTHER books waiting for me, but every time I start another book, I can hear Jamie & Claire calling me back. The other book gets left unread and I hurry back to 18th century Scotland like a homing pigeon back to its loft.

5. How will I survive until the next book?

Only through LOL and all of you will I make it through until The Fiery Cross is finally published. When away from the board, I find myself immersing in all things Scottish and Celtic, learning Gaelic, and looking longingly at red headed men.

Lady Terry

1. About yourself:

Age? 39

Family? Husband Rick (a DG fan, also), Daughter Jacky (12) and Son Greg (9)

Where do you live? Lothian, MD 18 miles south of Annapolis

What do you do for a living? First Grade Teacher

2. How did you discover the series?

Recommended by best friend Summer of '97. Her dh and father-in-law are big shots in our local Scottish Society and proclaimed DG's great historical authenticity. They just sounded so great! What an understatement!

3. What are the things that make Jamie appealing to you?

Devotion to Claire and children, heartfelt words of love, expression of deep feeling. The Ultimate Man!

4. How has reading the series disrupted your life? i.e. ignored DH and Kids, no sleep, etc...

It is ongoing.....with the LOL now as my escape whenever I can get there, wanderings in the stores looking for tartan plaids, Celtic tunes playing constantly, ye ken my drift here.

5. How will you survive until the next book arrives?

I have really enjoyed LOL book recommendations for holdover reading! Reflections in the Nile and the sequel by Suzanne Frank (Thanks, Amy) and now I am reading Here Be Dragons by Sharon Kay Penman (Thanks, Valerie !) - SF and SPK are both verra awesome writers!

Lady CF

1. About yourself:

Age? Let's just put it this way...I'm an MIOFW (a Mature Intelligent, Over-Forty Woman)

Family? All my kids have 4 legs

Where do you live? California's Mother Lode

What do you do for a living? I used to be an owner of a gift store, but now I'm a wannabe writer

2. How did you discover the series?

An acquaintance gave me a copy. I was so put off by the idea of first person narrative that it sat on the shelf for over 2 years before I finally, reluctantly picked it up.

3. What are the things that make Jamie appealing to you?

His humility.

4. How has reading the series disrupted your life? i.e. ignored DH and Kids, no sleep, etc...

Actually, the series didn't disrupt my life. The LoL has. All I want to do is read the posts, chat with my Lallypals, chat a little more, and then, once that's done, start all over again.

5. How will you survive until the next book arrives?

See # 4 :).

Lady Carol Anne:

1. About you?

My name is Carol Anne, I am 30 something!, have a dh Graeme and 4 children aged 11b, 9b, 7g, 3 g. I also have a bearded collie dog, a blue and gold macaw, a herd of guinea pigs and my husband keeps bees. I live in Strathblane, which is a lovely rural village about 15 miles from Glasgow, in Scotland. I am a part-time Medical Secretary.

2. How did you discover the series?

My Mother lent me Cross Stitch (she didn't like it very much!). I had it for ages before I read it and when I did it was like a love affair!

3. The things that make Jamie appealing? Absolutely everything about the man!

4. How has reading the series disrupted your life? i.e. ignored DH and Kids, no sleep, etc...

Couldn't eat, sleep or stop thinking about Jamie and all the characters. DH and family very neglected. Completely hosed most of the time. Went out and bought the rest of the books in the series and read them very fast in quick succession. It was at this point that I realised there must be others like me and went to investigate the internet.

5. How will you survive until the next book arrives?

I will survive until the next book comes out by rereading and discovering deeper meaning and things I have missed. Also by visiting the message board and chatting on-line when I can with similarly chosen people. (I have lent these books to friends and can tell that they are not quite as hosed as I am about them - don't let it worry me though as I have all you hosed people to talk to.)

Lady Debbie F

1. About you?

Age - 38

Family - One husband and two children: a boy 5 and a girl 2 I live on Merritt Island Florida which is the island home of the Kennedy Space Center

I am a stay-at-home mom now but I had a previous life as a production coordinator in advertising and magazine publishing.

2. How did you discover the series?

I discovered the series just by browing in the historical romance section of Barnes & Noble looking for something thick to read. I sure found it!

3. What are the things that make Jamie appealing to you?

Jamie is a wonderful character for so many reasons. He is the quintessential romantic hero but he is also a very real man who faces life's many challenges both big and small. He is honorable and heroic and sexy and funny.

4. How has reading the series disrupted your life? i.e. ignored DH and Kids, no sleep, etc...

Initially the books created a great deal of backed up housework and missed meals! Now that I have read them a couple of times, when I go back to them I am not as consumed and just read to savor them. I always come away with something new to think about or a new perspective to consider.

5. How will you survive until the next book arrives?

Well, the Companion book is due in April which isn't too long to wait. And of course I have all my Lallyfriends to share my obsession with so it won't be so bad!

Lady Kristi

1. About you?

age - 24

family - husband Chris, two children Bailey, and Duncan, and two dogs Giorgio and Earnhardt

job - LOL :)

2. How did I discover the series?

Well I was in a book store one day and I picked up DIA. I took it home, read half of it only to discover there was another book before, sooo I rushed to the store only to find they were currently Outlanderless! So for a whole week I haunted the store! In the meantime torturing myself by not picking up DIA (at all :) )

3. Why Is Jamie the pairfect man? Well he's six feet tall, redheaded, and he's a Scot. I think that's a good enough reason don't you?

4. How has reading these books disrupted my life?

You mean besides causing me to corner total strangers in book stores and make them swear they'll read them, reading every other book with a man in kilt on them, staring at all the redheaded men I meet, and accosting poor unsuspecting people online who have Scottish names? Oh not at all!!!!!

Lady M&M (Michelle)

1. About yourself:

I'm an ever youthful thirty-five *G*. I'm fortunate enough to be a stay-at-home mom. I live in Northern Indiana, but originally from Chicago, so that is still home to me. I'm married to Brian for thirteen years. We have two boys Ian and Collin. We would eventually like to move back to Chicago, to get a decent pizza and Chinese food!

2. How did you discover the series?

My sister gave me Outlander to read at Easter. It was a pretty big book so I didnt pick it up till June. I know the exact date June 4th, 1998. The evening of June 5th, I started Dragonfly in Amber. I finished the series on June 14th. I was the best summer ever. No housework, just read and reread Diana Gabaldon all summer long!

3. What are the things that make Jamie appealing to you?

Jamie is so appealing because he has the three H's. . . Humor Honesty Hunk !!!

4. How has reading the series disrupted your life? i.e. ignored DH and Kids, no sleep, etc...

The disrupted summer of 1998, was the summer my house had never been dirtier. It was also the summer I neglected my children. It was also the summer my dh was a verra happy lad, since these books make you a tad frisky!

5. How will you survive until the next book arrives?

Thank goodness, I didn't know about books, till four of them were out. I would have gone insane waiting for each one. I am also thankful for finding the board, it makes the time waiting for Fiery Cross, easier and faster.

Lady Nancy V

1. About yourself

Age? I am really 29 years old, not on hold or anything!!!

Family? I have a husband Jeff{who has read Outlander}, and a daughter age 4 Kelsey, and my son age 2 Richard!!

Where do you live? I live on a farm in Florida.

What do you do for a living? I mother a lot and I help the local Vet.

2. How did you discover the series?

I was at the grocery store browsing through the books, I read a lot and I love to find new authors, OUTLANDER looked neat and the blurb sounded interesting!

3. What are the things that make Jamie appealing to you?

Diana Gabaldon wrote 4 books to date on this, I think I canna do it justice in a short answer!

4. How has reading the series disrupted your life? i.e. ignored DH and Kids, no sleep, etc...

My husband was so weird when I read this book, it was almost like he resented Jamie, now... at least after reading he acquits himself nicely!!!! He doesn't complain any more when I wake him in the middle of the night after a steamy part reread!!! My children thought I was in a coma, but dutifully sat next to me reading their own books!!

5. How will you survive until the next book arrives?

I hope this forum will help, and I have read everything including her travel notes, I can get my hands on. This series has given me a high standard that I now judge other books on!!! I keep looking for others to compare, or at least take up the time between the books!

Lady Mac (aka Kathy)

1. About you?

Age? 46

Family? Married 16 years to David, no children but lots of critters.

Where do you live? We live 45 minutes southeast of Sacramento in the low foothills of nothern California. We moved here 4 years ago from the Bay Area to get away from the crowds. We built our own house on 40 acres, which we share with 4 horses, 2 Labrador retrievers, 6 cats, a sheep and a goat. Most of the animals sleep outside, though. The location is perfect, with lots of wildlife: hawks, owls, geese, swans, coyotes, foxes, etc...

What do you do for a living? I've been in electronics purchasing since 1979. Currently, I'm the purchasing manager for a company that created and maintains a computer network serving anti-drug law enforcement across several states. Dave is a district sales rep for a hydraulics equipment distributor.

Hobbies/Interests: I raise, train and show American Quarter Horses as a second business. The best part is assisting when the foals are born, and then teaching them to be "good citizens". Dave and I both like to snow ski. I also do leather carving, crafts and sewing and, of course... I love to read.

2. How did you discover the series?

Pretty much by accident. I haunt the bookstores looking for fodder for the soul. I actually selected Outlander for 3 reasons: It was historical fiction (my favorite genre), it was about Scotland (another favorite) and the biggest was thick! I hate short books, even good ones, because they are over way too soon!

3. What are the things that make Jamie appealing to you?

Ah, cher James! He's such a magnificent male, yet he's tender and humble. He lives by his beliefs and his honor. He takes his responsibilities seriously, yet he's no prude. He's the ultimate protector, but he allows his wife freedom. He embodies pretty much everything that is desirable in a man. One would never tire of him.

4. How has reading the series disrupted your life? i.e. ignored DH and Kids, no sleep, etc...

There are times when I'm so deep in the story that I actually forget I'm not in that dimension. Dave is also an avid reader, so he understands when I am "in the zone". At least, most of the time!

5. How will you survive until the next book arrives?

Spend time keeping up with all the other LOL's. I learn a lot from all of you...there are so many little details in Diana's works. I miss some of them or don't realize where they might lead, until I read a post in LOL and the light clicks on!

Here's a recent pic of Dave and me:

Lady Lisa G.

1. About you?

Age: 20

Family: My father is East Indian (Sihk, to be exact) and my mother is a mix of an Irish-American and an Acadian! Talk about a mix. I have a younger brother. My mom refuses to read D.G. as she has dedicated herself to Oprah's book of the month club. Oprah will have alot to answer for when she gets to Pearly Gates, as far as I am concerned!

Where I live: I'm a university student in the city of Fredericton. I live in an off-campus residence called Maggie Jean Chesnut.

What I do for a living: Work as a student librarian.

2. How did you discover the series?

Found D.G.'s outlander in a Sci-Fi section of the local Library. Read her over the Christmas holidays in 1995 and I haven't stopped since.

3. How does Jamie appeal?

How doesn't he appeal? {G} I mean seriously.....

4. How has reading the series disrupted life?

Standard procedure for me now is to introduce any one I know who likes to read to the series. Let's just put it this way: I'm awfully glad no one has developed a 12 step program yet...

5. How will I survive until the next book?

Read complete and utter mind trash until I can control my urge to write DG, volunteering to be a surrogate mother to her children for life if she will just let me read all her materials... Is that a bit extreme or have other people suggested to do the same yet?

Lady Rinny (aka Erin)

1. About yourself:

Age? 21 years

Family? Husband, Luc and son, Tirian

Where do you live? Around 10 kms west of Versailles in France, in a village called Les Clayes sous Bois

What do you do for a living? I am an English teacher, a mum, and also a student with the Open University.

2. How did you discover the series?

After my son was born a friend of mine from the US who had been at University in Scotland, told me about the series...

3. What are the things that make Jamie appealing to you?

Well, red hair and a kilt will do it every time for me....

4. How has reading the series disrupted your life? i.e. ignored DH and Kids, no sleep, etc...

Erm, all of the above. Also skipping lunch with my Mother In Law by saying I was sick, then spending the whole afternoon reading. Actually, that was just so I could skip the lunch, I thought of reading after I'd suceeded in staying home!

5. How will you survive until the next book arrives?

Re read and re read the ones I have I guess.

Lady Joanne

1. About meself:

I'm 38, married with one 10 year old bairn (a lassie). We live in Calgary, Canada. I work as an Ad Support Clerk for the telephone company--I help put together the yellow pages ads. I'm working at getting into the internet area and in preparation for that, I'm developing my own web site. It's only about half done, but when it's finished and up, I'll let y'all know! Some day I'll get meself a scanner an' post a picture o' me holdin' me autographed Drums copy...........I mun get Colleen in there tui...........<g>

2. How did you discover the series?

I discovered the series initially at the library, or rather, I found Voyager and read it, loved it, and discovered that there were 2 preceding books in the series (so my original "view" of the series is somewhat skewed, having started with #3). Also discovered that me dear ma had them and had her send them oot ta me. Aboot the same time, sister Colleen was readin' 'em, but she didna get obsessed wi' 'em until she re-read 'em an' caught my enthusiasm!! She'll tell ye different, but this is the true, unaldulterated version. <g>

3. What are the things that make Jamie appealing to you?

What makes Jamie appealing................weil, lessee now............What doesna appeal?! His physical presence, his male aggressiveness tempered wi' his tender adoration of Claire's various female body parts................sigh............I canna continue.....

4. How has the series disrupted me life.................

Och, ye weil know the story! I wiped at me tears an' sniffled on the train to and from work (had ta resort ta the wearin' o' the shades even in winter <g>). I walked around fantasizin' Jamie was right next ta me everywhere I went (oh gawd, what an obsession, sae pathetic <g>), an' even thot if I would really go through the stones back ta his time if I could (only if I could take me chiropractor since there weren't any in those days an' I canna go wi'out me regular adjustments! <g>). I'm sure my DH enjoyed the surge in our bedroom life, even if he didna realize why it was happenin'. I'll just let him think it was himself. <g>

5. How will you survive until the next book arrives?

I survive between books, but tis a bare existance. Twas particularly difficult at first, because after readin' DG, there are no other buiks!! I couldna walk through a book store or library wi'out searchin' fer DG's shelf (there isna one in me local library--the wee buiks are constantly out an' have a long line o' holds) an' felt only a wee bit o' satisfaction at seein' her name an' buiks displayed right out there in the stores. Was also disappointed at not seein' a new one there next ta Drums .......... sigh ........ knowin' I'd have a long wait..........

I've learned to adjust by convincing meself there really are other good writers out there with worthy stories, just none as good as herself. I've found a few good ones: Andrew Greeley (his Irish Gold series is verra guid, verra entertainin' an' consequently, I get me Scotts brogue mixed oop wi' the Irish <g>); Phillipa Gregory (her historical ladies all have verra dark sides, verra different from yer usual historical fictional heroine); an' Karleen Koen. Me outside cyber-life also takes me attention from time ta time. <g>

A note ta add: I met DG at a wee-buik signin' here in Calgary almost 2 years ago. I managed ta video tape most of it fer Colleen, until the battery gave oot (bluidy hell!). The Q&A session was verra long an' interestin', herself tendin' ta blather but tis all stuff we love ta hear! The fuzzy-kneed Scot in full Scot dress who piped her in was excitin' ta see (as was herself), an' at the end when I got me wee buiks signed, I became a certifiable basket case an' almost blubbered all ower herself. I'm a wee bit o' a writer meself an' I managed ta ask her what advice she could give someone who aspires ta write, an' she told me "1. Read everything ye can get yer hands on; 2. Write as much as ye can"--an' I canna mind the last one, I was so fuddled at seein' her finally in person! She's the finest writer I've ever had the pleasure of readin', the wee buiks bein' sae intelligently written an' wi' sae much variety ta the storyline (an' the time travel is what drew me ta Voyager in the first place), an' the sexy romantic parts--she doesna actually come oot an' be obvious, ye mun read between the lines a wee bit, aye? Weil, I ken ye all know what I'm talkin' of...........<g>

Lady Daisy (aka Carol)

1. About yourself:

My name is Lady Daisy, known to the locals as either Allison or Carol (it's a long story). I am 26, single and have no children except my cats who think there are children. I live in Atlanta, Georgia and I am a student at GA State University, where I am studying to get my MBA. I will graduate in May 1999.

2. How did you discover the series?

A friend of mine from work recommended them to me after his wife had driven him crazy by trying to talk to him about them. Thought I would give them a try. My friend eventually gave in and read them as well.

3. What are the things that make Jamie appealing to you?

His Kindness, tenderness, sense of honor and what is right. His sadness, his strength and his good looks. Plus, he was educated and you could tell. Many characters come off as being of average intelligence. Probably it would be hard for DG to write that way since I think she has a Ph.D..

4. How has reading the series disrupted your life? i.e. ignored DH and Kids, no sleep, etc...

I ignored laundry, cooking, cleaning, and my boyfriend. I was so hooked that after I finished reading one, I just had to go out and get the next one. By Drums, I wised up and bought it before I finished Voyager. The BF didn't mind too much as long as he got equal time, plus he thought it put a little spark into our relationship. I even read at work! (During lunch)

5. How will you survive until the next book arrives?

With lots of patience, finding other books to read, the LOL homepage and those great quotes, re-reading (again) the books till I know all the answers to trivia, and going to Scotland to see what I have been reading about!

Lady Hedy

1. About yourself:

Hedy -- 6-footer with an attitude. Love reading, Golf, DH!, swimming, snow skiing, water skiing. Am youngest of three children in my family. Even @ 6ft, I am my Mother's BABY! (& I like it).

Age? 37

Family? Mom, Dad, Sister (Claire - not kidding), Brother( Hank), My own DH (Robert Stewart -- known as Leo -- don't ask) and his Lovely Daughter, (Karen). Dozens of Nieces & Nephews. Fantastic In-Laws!

Where do you live? Condo in Burnaby, B.C.

What do you do for a living? Customer Service Manager -- High Tech Industry

2. How did you discover the series?

Literally - on the Bookstore Shelf. Read the back cover and was intrigued. Got through Outlander and was back at the bookstore to buy the next three in the series.

3. What are the things that make Jamie appealing to you?

Dignity. Honor. Passion. Tenderness. Humor. Endurance. Energy. Honesty. Compassion. Physically BEAUTIFUL.

4. How has reading the series disrupted your life? i.e. ignored DH and Kids,no sleep, etc...

Some nights when I start in to read myself to sleep, I get so engrossed that I forget all about falling asleep. More recently, we've been renovating our main bathroom. I'm in the den typing and enjoying the LOL, the DH is painting, sawing,cleaning, cooking.

5. How will you survive until the next book arrives?

Continue spending time with the Dearest group of people to come in to my life! Enjoying the daily Quotes. The humor and compassion and general NUTTINESS (read: Hoserness) that is the LOL!

Lady Stephanie D.

1. About yourself:

Age? 26

Where do you live? Go to school in Minnesota, originally from Mason City, Iowa

What do you do for a living? college student

2. How did you discover the series?

By accident--I picked it up because the cover looked interesting.

3. What are the things that make Jamie appealing to you?

His accent, wearing a kilt.

4. How has reading the series disrupted your life? i.e. ignored DH and Kids, no sleep, etc...

No sleep, fantasies, when I was reading DIA I lied to get out of going somewhere.

5. How will you survive until the next book arrives? Badly, but the companion book should keep me happy.

Lady Mandy

1. About yourself:

Age? 19

Family? Mother, Father, Sister and Brother-in-Law. A wonderful boyfriend

whom I love with all my heart. Two dogs and a cat whom I consider my children.

Where do you live? Vancouver

What do you do for a living? Student, and part-time waitress.

2. How did you discover the series?

Recommended by a friend

3. What are the things that make Jamie appealing to you?

He's very real. He's also caring, senstive, and everythign a woman could want in a man. He has his faults, but I wouldn't ever want a perfect man. He's also willing to accept people for who they are which is a very rare quality in any person.

4. How has reading the series disrupted your life? i.e. ignored DH and Kids, no sleep, etc...

Weeeel, I've lost many hours of sleep. I speak with a Scottish accent sometimes, and I gravitate towards Scottish books or Scottish anything when I come across it. I'm also (painfully) trying to teach myself Gaelic.

5. How will you survive until the next book arrives?

By re-reading over and over, as I'm sure most of us are doing :)

Lady Mandy

1. About yourself:

Age? 19

Family? Mother, Father, Sister and Brother-in-Law. A wonderful boyfriend whom I love with all my heart. Two dogs and a cat whom I consider my children.

Where do you live? Vancouver

What do you do for a living? Student, and part-time waitress.

2. How did you discover the series?

Recommended by a friend

3. What are the things that make Jamie appealing to you?

He's very real. He's also caring, senstive, and everythign a woman could want in a man. He has his faults, but I wouldn't ever want a perfect man. He's also willing to accept people for who they are which is a very rare quality in any person.

4. How has reading the series disrupted your life? i.e. ignored DH and Kids, no sleep, etc...

Weeeel, I've lost many hours of sleep. I speak with a Scottish accent sometimes, and I gravitate towards Scottish books or Scottish anything when I come across it. I'm also (painfully) trying to teach myself Gaelic.

5. How will you survive until the next book arrives?

By re-reading over and over, as I'm sure most of us are doing :)

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